Friday, 31 August 2012


I have just discovered that I AM organised, I just lacked the correct equipment.  Earlier this week, I bought a filing cabinet.  Today, the suspension files arrived and I spent the morning categorising all my paperwork.  I am stupidly excited by my files!  (Photo to come!)  I printed out labels for most categories, with pictures.  The most-used files are at the front and archived stuff at the back.  Many of the files have sub-folders, for example tax years within the bank statements and pay slips.  I still can't believe how excited I am by a filing cabinet!!

Friday, 17 August 2012


I often find it difficult to get going in the morning and I put off getting dressed, instead just sitting at my computer in a dressing gown.  But I've realised recently that often this is procrastination because I feel I should do something that I don't want to do.  For example, recently I wanted to go out with a group of friends but wasn't keen on where we were meeting.  So I sent a message saying that I would meet them at their next destination (we were doing several activities).  Suddenly I felt more energised and got dressed immediately and then completed a few other tasks as well.

So I need to recognise what I "should" do and then let go of that, if possible.

It also fits in with one of the conclusions that I came to after my last counselling session: I need to define my own measures of success, rather than being bound to what other people see as success.  For me, success may be more about having a family and spending quality time with them and having a balance between work and life.  It may not be earning lots of money or having a 'high-status' job.  I'm not quite sure yet, because I've relied so much on my parents' measures of success, which I cannot live up to.  But just recognising that I can create my own measures of success has made me feel so much more free.